Limitless imagination, World renowned expertise, Infinite possibilities
“This is Québec 印象魁北克”是⼀个由魁北克政府主办的创意平台,旨在建⽴长期合作
办的“This is Québec 2018”将携魁北克的100多位创作者齐聚上海艺仓美术馆。在连续
的三天时间⾥,50多家来⾃加拿⼤魁北克的科技艺术创意类企业、机构、 设计师以及
艺术家将在这⾥分享他们的知识、经验以及最新动态,包括了增强/虚拟现 实 、表演
娱乐 、马戏团 、视觉艺术 、多媒体 、声⾳设计 、体验设计 、摄 影和录像 、⾳乐 、
交互 、电⼦游戏 、艺术装置 、创意⼯程 、程序设计、 时尚 、峰会等等。
This is Québec(l’Effet Québec)is a platform hosted by the Government of Québec,
aiming at establishing long-term cooperation and identifying potential collaborators. This is
Québec 2018, organized by the Government of Québec, co-organized by Shanghai Modern
Art Museum, will gather more than 100 creators from Québec at Shanghai Modern Art
Museum from January 25 to January 27, 2018. Over the three consecutive days, more than
50 creative companies, institutions, designers and artists in technology and arts from Quebec,
Canada, will share their knowledge, experience and latest developments including AR / VR,
Show and Entertainment, Circus, Visual Arts, Multimedia, Sound Design, Experiential
Design, Photography and Video, Music, Interactivity, Video Games, Art Installation, Creative
Engineering, Coding, Fashion, Conference etc.
This is a borderless exchange of artistic, scientific and technological culture between Canada
and China, setting up a new bridge for sharing creative thinking between the two countries.
We welcome the participation of friends from government departments, real estate, creative
content sharing, architecture, hospitality, marketing, public relationships and other fields to
create a special time which is unique and face-to-face.
受欢迎的艺术家前来,在360° 的穹顶下表演。在这样的空间中相信你不会漏掉任何⼀
In addition to communicating face-to-face here, artists from Quebec have created a totally
immersive art space for audience which will include projection, interaction, sound design,
digital artwork, VR / AR, live production and other new media art works exhibited here.
We also invited the most popular artists from the circus, live performance, DJ, dance, opera
and etc. to perform under the dome of 360 °. I believe you will not miss any moment in this
魁北克 Québec
与中国业内专业⼈⼠近距离交流。魁北克政府现在在北京,上海,青岛 设有办事处,
负责魁北克在中国的⽂化推⼴以及商业推介。本次活动由魁北克政府驻 上海办事处牵
头,以期展现魁北克独特的⽂化特⾊和多媒体优势产业,并与中国业内 专业⼈⼠近距
离交流。魁北克政府现在在北京,上海,青岛设有办事处,负责魁北克 在中国的⽂化
推⼴以及商业推介。魁北克作为加拿⼤的法语区,是北美跟欧洲之间的 ⼀座桥梁。魁
北克最引以为豪的是其具有竞争⼒的综合性数字创作、研究和制作氛围: 视频游戏、
This event is initiated by the Government of Québec, aiming at demonstrating Québec’s
unique cultural and multimedia industries, as well as establishing communications with
Chinese professionals in these industries. The government of Québec has established
representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Qingdao, with the mandate of promoting
Québec’s cultural and commercial industries in China. As a francophone province in Canada,
Québec acts like a bridge between North America and Europe. Québec is very proud of its
competitive and comprehensive digital creation, research and production of digital
environment: video games, interactive games, animation, special effects, interactive
applications, etc.